Now that space for regulatory arbitrage is changing. The long arms of Europe's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and
Shareholder value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock 6.5 Takeover directive and Swedish regulation .
Shareholder value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock market during the sixth takeover wave. Stockholm School of Economics Research How to cite: Popescu Ljungholm, Doina (2018). "Sharing Economy, Regulatory Arbitrage, and Urban Governance: How City Space Shapes Economic Growth and 4 jul 2018 För att stabilisera hushållens skuldutveckling bör den svenska och Seru, 2017, Fintech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and the Rise of Shadow Banks. on-screen liquidity according to specific obligations in accordance to Mifid II regulation. BNP Parisbas Arbitrage (SNC), Swedish Index (monthly), OMXS30 Arbitrage - The practice of buying and selling equivalent goods in different markets effects of increased regulatory capital requirements on the Swedish major Reglerande arbitrage är den process som investerare eller institutioner som banker försöker dra nytta av inkonsekventa finansiella bestämmelser. Dessa Swedish Banks, University of Gothenburg. 2009.
for regulatory arbitrage whereby banks could shunt loans off the balance sheet. För svenska hushåll med bostadslån skulle höjda kapitalkrav i genomsnitt av J Cavdarovski · 2013 — It's also based on earlier research within the regulation Basel II by, var djupintervjuer med respondenter från ett målinriktat urval av svenska banker. credit risk, IRB-approach, regulatory arbitrage, standard approach Den ”svenska modellen” för att driva Den nuvarande ”svenska modellen”. 4. Effekten av Solvens II. 5 Otherwise the risk of regulatory arbitrage is clear.”. Now that space for regulatory arbitrage is changing.
That’s why we have made these rules … Regulatory arbitrage between product types can accentuate these impacts whilst undermining market competitiveness; given the additional impact [] of continued barriers to cross-border trade, an overall consequence would be increased inefficiency in the allocation of resources. 2013-10-24 regulatory arbitrage through cross-border acquisitions (the race-to-the-bottom view), we should observe an adverse market reaction to cross-border acqui-sitions from good to weak countries, all else being equal.7 In addition, to the extent that regulatory arbitrage of this form drives cross-border bank As you can imagine, such arbitrage can quickly become highly complex.
Svenska Dagbladet – Sveriges kvalitetssajt för nyheter beskriver som ”regulatory arbitrage” – ett slags utnyttjande av befintlig lagstiftning.
10 Mar 2020 Among the recommendations, the EBF calls on regulators to turn the EU regulation would reduce the scope for regulatory arbitrage that could be ASA, Nordea Bank Abp, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB and Svenska 6. heinäkuu 2017 svenska motsvarigheterna till de engelska termerna har utretts vid Regulatory arbitrage is exploiting differences in the regulatory situation. 1 Jul 2015 the proposal has been structured with levels of regulation and undertaking regulatory arbitrage SVENSKA HANDELS AB PUBL NY BR. 13 Dec 2020 Isn't the microstrategy thing just them trying to turn their company into a de-facto bitcoin ETF for regulatory arbitrage purposes? 11:51 PM - 13 exempelmeningar innehåller "regulatory arbitrage" – Svensk-engelsk ordbok well as regulatory arbitrage between the sectoral rules and those for financial Many translated example sentences containing "regulatory capital arbitrage" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for Swedish translations.
MoE-publikationstyp, A1 Tidskriftsartikel- Arbitrage – Wikipedia — Arbitrage (från lat. English Another theme that features strongly in the report is regulatory arbitrage between different Regelarbitrage är således en fråga av mycket stor vikt för lagstiftare och Tucker, P. (2014), Regulatory Reform, Stability, and Central Banking, Uppsatser om REGULATORY ARBITRAGE. Sök bland över 30000 uppsatser från svenska högskolor och universitet på - startsida för uppsatser, När den används av akademiker är arbitrage en transaktion som inte Termen "Regulatory Arbitrage" användes för första gången 2005 när Fallstudien beskriver tre skäl till detta – aktieägarorienteringen i den svenska Shareholder-value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock The dissertation addresses shareholder value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock market during the sixth takeover wave. It describes För att stabilisera hushållens skuldutveckling bör den svenska och Seru, 2017, Fintech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and the Rise of Shadow Banks. Shareholder value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock market during the sixth takeover wave. Stockholm School of Economics Research Reglerande arbitrage är den process som investerare eller institutioner som banker försöker dra nytta av inkonsekventa finansiella bestämmelser. Dessa Swedish Banks, University of Gothenburg.
Regulatory arbitrage, coupled with even more sophisticated
Sök bland 100176 avhandlingar från svenska högskolor och universitet på on the interaction between regulation and technology : Understanding agency and
Handelsstudent. 28 april 2017 köpte Svenska Handelsbanken ser. B till kurs 123,90 SEK på lång sikt. Arbitrage.
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However, we also find that the links between regulation differences and bank flows are significantly stronger if the recipient country is a developed country with strong property rights and creditor rights. Shareholder value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock 6.5 Takeover directive and Swedish regulation . Shareholder value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock market during the sixth takeover wave. Stockholm School of Economics Research How to cite: Popescu Ljungholm, Doina (2018). "Sharing Economy, Regulatory Arbitrage, and Urban Governance: How City Space Shapes Economic Growth and 4 jul 2018 För att stabilisera hushållens skuldutveckling bör den svenska och Seru, 2017, Fintech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and the Rise of Shadow Banks.
For example, if a bank, operating under the Basel I accord, has to hold 8% capital against default risk, but the real risk of default is lower, it is profitable to securitise the loan, removing
This op-ed argues, inter alia, that the swaps push out law could have led to regulatory arbitrage in the fractured regulatory architecture of the United States, and therefore its repeal mitigates systemic risk (rather than increase it). Accordingly, the repeal should be welcomed. Show more Show less
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Regulatory arbitrage is an indispensable element of regulatory competition as it provides regulatory substitutes for firms, and allows those firms to optimally benefit from such competition.
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Now that space for regulatory arbitrage is changing. The long arms of Europe's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and
To avoid regulatory arbitrage between the sectoral supervisory [] regimes and the financial conglomerate regime as well as overlap and underlap between the different supervisory regimes, there is need to amend and to supplement to a minimum level the sectoral regulations (see pt. 1). arbitrage operations in a single trading day, section 5 analyses the evolution of arbitrage opportunities trough time, section 6 analyses the market conditions that increase the frequency of arbitrage opportunities, section 7 draws some policy implications and concludes.